What is a summary? Summarizing is an important studying skill. It is a shortened version of a passage, written in one’s own words. The summary covers the essential information/ points of the original passage. A summary is much shorter than the original text, and communicates the main idea of the text and the main supporting points written again “in one’s own words”.
In this article, we discuss how to write a summary with examples.

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How to Write a Summary?
Steps to write a summary

Summary writing Dos and Don’ts
Summary writing Dos: Remember while writing a summary:
1.Find out the central idea of the passage
2.Write in simple language
3.Do not give your own opinion.
4.Use word linkers ( and, or, as well as, but, etc.)
5.Write in a single paragraph.
6.Give a suitable title
Summary writing Dont’s : Remember to eliminate the following:
1.Repetition and unnecessary details.
2.Figures of speech.
4.Adjectives and adverbs.
5.Examples and illustrations.
6.Direct speech by using reported speech.
What are the 5 steps of summary writing?
1. Eliminate unnecessary information or details-
e.g. My father brought home a flower pot. It was green in colour. It was bird-shaped. I am very much fascinated by birds. Birds play an important role to maintain environmental balance. My sister dropped the flowerpot and it scattered into pieces.
Ans- My father brought home a bird-shaped green flower pot but my sister dropped the flower pot and it scattered into pieces.
2. Convert phrases into a single word-
e.g. 1. He is never late and is always on time.
– He is punctual
2. Dr. Patil is a physician who treats diseases of the female reproductive organs and provides well-woman healthcare
-Dr.Patil is Gynecologist
3. तुझा चेहरा चंद्रासारखा सुंदर, मनमोहक आणि तेजस्वी आहे.
– तू चंद्रमुखी आहेस
3. Use synonyms or synonymous phrases
e.g. 1. He had a good command of English.
–He knew English well.
4. Turn complex sentences into simple sentences
e.g. 1. He received a welcome that was as cold as ice.
– He received an icy welcome.
2. I brought home ice cream. Its taste was delicious and it was made up of chocolate.
– I brought home delicious chocolate ice cream.
5. Combine the sentences using word linkers.
e.g. 1. Rajesh is a handsome boy. He is obedient.He always comes on time for class.
– Rajesh is handsome, obedient and punctual
6. Generalization
e.g. The people from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, U.P. and other states of India are facing the pandemic disease.
–The Indians are facing the pandemic disease.
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Summary Writing Examples
Example No-01
Read the passage carefully and summarize the passage
The newspaper is an important gift of modern science. It has become an important part of our life, so much so that in the absence of a newspaper we feel something issuing from our daily routine. It was introduced in the 18th century in England but it was in the 19th century that it assumed great importance for good or for evil. Today every country is flooded with newspapers. There are morning papers, afternoon papers and evening papers. They also come in all forms such as dailies and weeklies and almost in all languages.
The newspaper gives us news on various subjects and informs us of all the things that take us in our country and in the world. Truly, the world has turned into a global community because of the all-binding influence of the newspaper.
A newspaper does not give us only news. It also tells us the latest achievements of man in the fields of agriculture, industry, medicine and other various fields. The newspaper gives us views of great thinkers on the social, economic, and political problems of the modern world. Thus, the newspaper spreads knowledge and moulds the thoughts of man. It helps us to form our own opinions too. It is the cheapest means of communication. A democratic state cannot do without the newspaper. The newspaper is known as the Fourth Estate. It functions as an important link between the Government and the people. It informs the public about the different policies and decisions of the government. Newspapers criticize the government if it does anything wrong. Newspaper works as a watchdog of democracy. In times of war and natural calamities, they raise funds for the suffering of humanity. Unless we read the newspaper, our day doesn’t start.
The newspaper which was introduced in 18th century England is an important gift of modern Science. There are different types of newspapers that give us news on various subjects and inform us of all the things that take us in our country and in the world. The influence of newspapers turned this world into a global community. Besides, it tells us the latest achievements of man in various fields and the views of great thinkers. Being the Fourth Estate of the democratic state, the newspaper functions as an important link between the Government and the people. It works as a watchdog of democracy.
Example – 02
Read the passage carefully and summarize the passage
Communication is a part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on our moods. Animals, too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can be both verbal or non-verbal. Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the attention of the females. These songs are usually rich in note variation, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. Large mammals in the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphins and porpoises produce pings, whistles, and clicks. These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundred kilometres away.
ANS: Communication in the animal world Communication is common to both humans and animals and is used to convey different moods and messages through verbal and non-verbal modes. Male blackbirds are known to sing to attract females as well as to keep other blackbirds off their territory. Similarly, sea mammals sing to attract mates as far as hundreds of kilometres away.